Check out a review of “Dude, Where’s my Chutzpah?” in the Huffington Post

Mainly, though, it’s Jessie Kahnweiler who shines through. She has such an outgoing personality that it’s hard not to enjoy the ride with her. The character she’s crafted (and despite the similarity in names, it is a character. We’ve met — her grandfather and my dad are long-time friends — and though she’s definitely outgoing, she’s also far more lowkey, thoughtful and surprisingly shy) is sort of a cross between Sarah Silverman and Zooey Deschanel — annoyingly likeable. But it’s all Jessie. Adding to the charm is that she clearly has no qualms about humiliating herself, and coming across the goofball, because ultimately the jokes are almost all on her.More than just her personality and acting, though, what leaps out is how talented she is, all around. Even when everything doesn’t work and needs a bit of reining in, it’s clear that you’re watching someone with her hand on her craft at a young age, who has a strong future. And I do suspect she has a future, because pulling this off, on all those levels, is no easy trick, for anyone, let alone a young woman in Hollywood. Pulling this off, on all these levels — just raising the money, alone, never mind wearing all the hats — suggests that Jessie Kahnweiler is not someone who takes, “No. Get out of my office. Guards, throw her out,” for an answer. And in the end, the webseries is quite well-directed, entertainingly written and richly-produced for such a small budget, and she’s a hoot on screen.


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