A Face A Day: Day 22, Comedy Writer Jessie Kahnweiler

 | On ו׳ בניסן ה׳תשע״ח (March 22, 2018)

Jessie Kahnweiler is a comedy writer and executive producer of the upcoming CW series “The Viagra Diaries.” In 2013, she created a web series about finding her Jewish identity called, “Dude, Where’s My Chutzpah?,” in which she traveled to Israel, visited a mikvah in Pico-Robertson, Los Angeles, and spoke with a rabbi about spiritual matters.

Kahnweiler also created the Refinery29 web series “The Skinny,” which was about having an eating disorder, and the short film “Meet My Rapist,” about a chance encounter with her rapist at a farmer’s market. In October of 2017, she wrote an essay on Medium about her decision to freeze her eggs, which was then reported on in People magazine.

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