When I was 22, I dated a guy who asked me to shower before he would touch my pussy. So I did what women do best: blamed myself, hopped in the tub, and scrubbed away. But along with my scent, I also loofahed away my dignity. I felt so ashamed of my vagina that I began to see my body as the main problem in our relationship. Then, when I got my period, he wouldn’t even be in the same room with it! I found this so frustrating especially because when I’m on my period I get horny AF.  I soon came to my senses, stopped dating douchebags, and began to repair my strained relationship to with my own vagina. I talked with other women and quickly discovered I was not the only one who has internalized their partner’s vaginal hangups and sincerely believed their pussy was to blame.

I decided to partner with Alpen and shoot this spec commercial as a love letter to vagina’s everywhere. I want to celebrate female pleasure and menstruation in all its beautiful mess.  To me, the hottest thing is being able to show your entire self to your partner, to truly be seen. Creating this commercial reminded me that there is nothing sexier than love.


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